Friday, July 22, 2011

Farmer's Tan

Jesse Riggle and Paul Windle worked together this week to bring new meaning to the term "Farmer's Tan". Jesse took on Paul's sketch for this beastly final. More about Jesse, and the original sketch below!

Jesse Riggle is a Brooklyn based illustrator who sometimes has a beard and sometimes doesn't. At a young age he had to make a decision between playing with insects his whole life or making pictures. He chose the latter. Now when people ask him what he does, he lovingly responds, “I paint lumpy people.” He works mostly with acrylics these days, although he does his share of digital, Illustrator and Painter mainly. Visit his website, and blog for more of his awesome work!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! That's pretty much how Riggle looks at our Summer BBQ's (except Jesse is much hairier).
